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Victorinox 鈦金屬專業潛水錶

Victorinox 鈦金屬專業潛水錶

Regular price HK$6,200.00
Regular price Sale price HK$6,200.00
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  • 唯一獲得認證、可承受 130 種極端耐力測試的瑞士腕錶
  • ISO 6425 認證潛水腕錶採用瑞士製造石英機芯,具備防磁功能、200 米防水,還有可加長的橡膠錶帶,可安全配戴在潛水衣外。防敏和輕巧的鈦金屬錶殼配戴時絕對舒適


高度 14 mm
重量 139 g
錶耳闊度 22 mm
錶殼直徑 45 mm


活動計 沒有 
底蓋板 旋入式底蓋 
計時碼錶 否 
鬧鐘功能 沒有 
錶扣 常規搭扣 
錶圈旋轉 單向旋轉錶圈 
倒數計時器 否 
日期 是 
錶盤背光 否 
夜光指針 是 
機芯類型 石英機芯 
第二時區 否 
防水 20 ATM /200 米 /660 呎 


錶圈飾面 噴砂 
錶圈物料 鈦金屬 
錶帶物料 橡膠 
底蓋物料 鈦金屬 
錶殼物料 鈦金屬 
錶盤飾面 啞光 


錶殼顏色 灰色 
边框颜色 灰色 
錶盤顏色 灰色 
錶帶顏色 灰色 

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Victorinox, a Swiss brand synonymous with craftsmanship and reliability, has been a global symbol of quality for over 140 years. Founded in 1884, the brand is celebrated for its innovation and excellence, offering a diverse range of products beyond its iconic Swiss Army Knives. Victorinox's outdoor tools, travel gear, and military watches are highly regarded for their exceptional quality and sophisticated design. Each product is crafted with simplicity and elegance in mind, embodying a unique blend of functionality and style. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or navigating daily life, Victorinox products are designed to elevate your experience with reliability and timeless aesthetics.

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