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Zippo「貓星空」防風火機 #83

Zippo「貓星空」防風火機 #83

定價 HK$498.00
定價 售價 HK$498.00
特價 售罄

此款 Zippo® 火機以「星月與貓」(Star Moon and Cat)為主題,採用了仿古銀的復古表面處理,設計精緻深刻。

  • 正宗的 Zippo "咔嚓" 聲 每一次火花的點燃,都伴隨著獨特的Zippo "咔嚓" 聲:這是真摯和傳統的標誌
  • 耐用設計 純金屬打造,帶有防風特性,在各種情境都能保持可靠
  • 可重複填充,終生使用  為了獲得最佳性能,我們推薦使用正品 Zippo 燃料、打火石和火膽
  • 美國製造,終身保證
  • 燃料:Zippo 打火機燃料(另外單獨出售)
  • 打火機規格: 輕巧卻堅固的設計。尺寸為:
    • 高度: 2.25"
    • 寬度: 0.5"
    • 深度: 1.5"
    • 重量: 0.18 lbs


Step into the world of vintage charm paired with unmatched reliability. The Zippo® Moon and Cat Lighter boasts an intricate design and robust features, making it a must-have accessory for aficionados and casual users alike.

  • Design Aesthetics

    The exquisite "Moon and Cat" theme on an antique silver surface adds a touch of old-world charm, making it a standout piece for collectors and users.
  • Signature Zippo "Click"

    An authentic Zippo isn't just about its look. Every time you open the lid, the iconic Zippo “click” sound reassures you of its originality.
  • Durable All-Metal Construction

    Crafted with precision, its all-metal body ensures durability and resilience, promising years of flawless service.
  • Windproof Design

    Whether you’re on a mountain or in a bustling city, its windproof design ensures a steady flame, making it a versatile tool for various environments.
  • Refillable & Long-Lasting

    Say no to disposables. This Zippo® lighter is designed for a lifetime, with the capability to be refilled. For optimal performance, it's recommended to use genuine Zippo fuel, flints, and wicks.
  • Made in the USA & Lifetime Guarantee

    A testament to its quality, this Zippo® lighter is proudly made in the USA and comes with a lifetime guarantee, ensuring peace of mind with every spark.
  • Fuel Requirements

    Powered by Zippo Lighter Fuel (sold separately), ensuring a clean and consistent burn every time.



    Zippo 於 1932 年在美國賓夕法尼亞州布拉德福德創立,憑藉高品質的防風打火機及經典設計,成為全球知名的標誌性品牌。由喬治·G·布雷斯德爾於 1933 年推出的第一款 Zippo 打火機,成功結合了實用性與時尚感,重新定義了可靠打火機的標準。在第二次世界大戰期間,Zippo 專為美國軍隊供應打火機,進一步鞏固其耐用可靠的品牌聲譽。擁有超過 90 年的歷史,Zippo 一直堅持美國製造,以卓越的耐用性和防風設計而聞名,確保火焰在惡劣環境下依然穩定,成為軍事人員、戰術用戶、戶外愛好者及時尚人士的理想之選。獨特的外觀與豐富的款式,使 Zippo 打火機不僅是一種實用工具,更是彰顯個人風格的時尚配件。

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