[入場前你要知道的事] Top Gun Maverick 壯志凌雲 x Cockpit USA 經典皮褸

[入場前你要知道的事] Top Gun Maverick 壯志凌雲 x Cockpit USA 經典皮褸

由湯告魯斯主演的壯志凌雲在33年前(1986年)的七月上映,其後不但成為湯告魯斯本人的成名作,更一度掀起了黑超、電單車、G-1 皮褸等熱潮,甚至可稱得上是一種「浪漫」。

    TOP GUN was first premiered 33 years ago (1986) in July.  Not only did it became what Tom Cruise is known for, it also made items like Ray-Bans, motorcycles and leather jackets into hot items.



壯志凌雲是以美國海軍戰鬥機武器學校為背景的電影 ,英文簡稱為TOPGUN,亦即是片名由來。由湯告魯斯所飾演的主角名叫LT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell 加入了TOPGUN受訓,搭檔在一次意外中喪生令他陷入低潮,後來成功克服,在任務中擊退敵機,終成為新一任TOPGUN教官。

TOP GUN is based on the United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program, better known as TOPGUN (Which inspired the film’s name).  The protagonist played by Tom Cruise named LT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell enrolled in TOPGUN to become a pilot, yet was caught in a slump due to the death of a partner. He later overcame the slump and fought off enemy fighter jets and at last became a TOPGUN instructor.


2. 第一集和第二集相隔了幾多年?

    久別33年,續集壯志凌雲:獨行俠終於宣佈在2020年的6月上映,但由於COVID-19 的關係,最後2022年5月26日終於上映,入場前大家可以先看宣傳片和幕後花絮:

    After 33 years, the sequel to TOP GUN, TOP GUN: MAVERICK is announced to premiere on 2020 June, with trailers and behind-the-scenes released , and according to spread of COVID-19 , finally it is on screen at 26th may, 2022 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HpZgwHU1GcI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



A whole 7 minutes of trailer, showing everything TOP GUN was known and loved for.  With modern technologies, every angle in the cockpit is captured and everything will be filmed live instead of CGI – As the interview had mentioned: “…You can’t act that, the distortion in the face…”



3. Tom Cruise 着果件皮褸大有來頭?

在服裝方面,Tom Gun Marverick 同樣見到一件非常有像徵性的皮褸,而這件皮褸是由美國軍褸製造公司Cockpit USA 於美國當地製造, 其款式是參照G-1軍用皮褸而設計,再加上17個獨的布章及USN 授權的徽章。而第二集都沿用相同物料和款式,但仔細一看就會見到章款會有不同之處,你又會喜歡那一件呢?

 You will see a very signature leather jacket in both episodes of Top Gun, and do you know the background of it? This leather jacket is made by Cockpit USA which  they still manufacture in the US. This Movie Hero design is according to an original military G-1 leather jacket, by adding on 17 different cloth patches and an licensed USN badge. For Top Gun: Maverick, he wears the same G-1 leather jacket, but there are slightly different in details. Which one do you prefer? 

第一集: “Movie Hero" ™ Top Gun Navy G-1 Jacket 



第二集 :





4. Tom Gun 電影中的其他經典制服有特別稱號嗎?

在現實中,飛行員所穿著的褸款都會有不同型號辨識,例如電影中經典軍綠色機師褸的型號是CWU 36/P Flight Jacket。而全身服在香港又稱為蛤乸衣Boilersuit,電影中見到的型號是CWU27/P Boilersuit. 


 CWU27/P Boilersuit



CWU27/P Boilersuit. 


CWU 36/P 



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