[軍錶入門必讀] 美軍現役軍錶 Marathon

[軍錶入門必讀] 美軍現役軍錶 Marathon

Marathon Watch的前身是在1904年成立的Weinsturm Watch,後來在1939年才正式改名為現在的Marathon Watch。在1941年前,Marathon Watch已經在北美有相當的知名度,並在1941年後開始為美軍生產公發錶。由二戰背景,到現今仍是美軍四大軍隊的現役軍錶,絕對是錶如其名。而且每一隻Marathon Watch 都配有獨特身份號碼,更加獨一無二。

Marathon Watch used to be Weinsturm Watch, which was founded in 1904, only later changed its name to Marathon Watch in 1939. Based in Canada, Marathon Watch produced watches for the North American market and had been producing watches for the US military since 1941.

比較知名的款式有Marathon Navigator—當時的軍方提出了這樣的要求:一款在低氣壓、低溫下仍能準確運作,且耐撞的腕錶。
 A notable example would be the Marathon Navigator, which was designed to remain accurate even in extremely low temperature and pressure and withstand strong shocks.

直到今天,Marathon Watch除了向美國軍方生產手錶外,亦有接下不少來自北約各國的訂單。比方說在加拿大海軍要求下所設計和生產出的Marathon SAR潛水錶,以及在相似基礎上,為美國海軍所設計和生產的Marathon GSAR潛水錶。

To this day, Marathon Watch is not only the contractor for the US military, but to many other NATO members like Canada. One of the most recognized artwork by Marathon Watch, the Marathon SAR, was designed for the Canadian Navy Rescue and Clearance Diver. The Marathon SAR inspired the later Marathon GSAR, designed for the US Navy.

除了軍錶外,Marathon Watch還有生產如指南針溫度計、望遠鏡等工具。
In addition to watches, Marathon Watch also produces thermometers, binoculars etc.

Marathon Watch的軍錶外型不突出,甚至會帶點笨重 (Marathon SAR的厚度為17mm) ,但它們能保證在極地下都能完美運作。Marathon Watch亦是在民用市場中,少數和軍品接近百份百相同的軍錶。同時具有加拿大和瑞士特色的Marathon Watch, 絕對是可靠之選。

Though Marathon Watch does not offer an outstanding appearance, and actually quite thick and heavy (The Marathon SAR have a 17mm thickness), but they are promised to work even in the direst environments. Marathon Watch also offers one of the most genuine watches to the consumer market. With its Canadian and Swiss characteristics, Marathon Watch is undoubtedly a reliable choice of watch.


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