品牌介紹 | Brand Introduction – 5.11 Tactical

品牌介紹 | Brand Introduction – 5.11 Tactical


5.11 Tactical is a rather reputable brand that is heard by many, but 5.11 started out as a mere clothing line of a boot and clothing company.



In the 1960s, California, a mountain climber Royal Robbins, as he was about to reach the top of a climb, he noticed that his trousers are very well designed for climbing, which then inspired him to start a clothing line specializing in clothing that came with better functionality and durability in the name of “5.11”, which came from the difficulty rating for a rock climbing trail developed by Robbins.

在1960年代的加州,有位叫Royal Robbins的登山愛好者在某次登山時發現自己所穿的長褲並不是很適合爬山用,他便開始自行設計更耐用,有更多功能的衣著,並以「5.11」之名推出市場─「5.11」這個名字源於Robbins創立的登山路徑,而5.11正是當地給予這條路徑的難度評分—極難。


By Tom Frost | Tom Frost攝

2000s, the company was sold to Dan Costa and 5.11 became an individual company, renaming itself to “5.11 Tactical”.  5.11 Tactical pants soon gained popularity in the FBI Academy in Virginia, which then later leads to a market expansion of their products among law enforcement units.


直到2000年代左右,Robbins出售了5.11予Dan Costa, 並成為了一家獨立的公司「5.11 Tactical」。其中5.11所出產的戰術褲在維吉尼亞州的FBI學員間流行起來,導致了後來5.11在執法單位間的市場擴張出現。

From 5.11 official website | 取自5.11官方網站

To this day, 5.11 Tactical offers a wide variety of tactical and outdoor commodities, from shirts and pants, to glasses, gloves and footwear with great comfort and quality that satisfies its users, from law enforcements to outdoor enthusiasts and casual everyday wearers.




5.11 – Always be ready.

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