最佳減壓音樂: Natural Sound Map

最佳減壓音樂: Natural Sound Map


《自然之聲地圖》是由澳洲田野錄音專家馬克.安德森(Marc Anderson)所創立,蒐集了來自全球85個國家、90多位專業聲景專家所提供的400多個自然錄音檔。當中包括世界七大洲、五大洋各地森林、河流、國家公園、以及當地動物的獨特聲音,以及當地相關生態資訊。例如喜馬拉雅山的春季(Spring in the Himalayan Foothills)、印尼蘇拉威西雨林(Heart of the Rainforest)、遠北挪威灣極地冰原(Iceberg Fragments)、美國優勝美地國家公園(Yosemite Dawn Chorus)等自然聲景都有收錄。更棒的是,一些稀有動物的叫聲也被珍藏,像是非洲犀鳥、黑猩猩、座頭鯨、麥哲倫企鵝等。






為了讓聽眾身歷其境,錄音檔都採用360度的環景音效,網站幕後籌備的90多位專業收音師也大有來頭,包括:愛荷華大學地理設計系教授Alex Braidwood、俄羅斯鳥聲學家Vladimir Arkhipov、法國專業野外錄音師Fernand Deroussen、美國海洋動物專業顧問Gene Flipse、挪威極地研究院專業攝影師Stein Nilsen等。







Marc Anderson
Founder of Nature Soundmap & Wild Ambience 自然聲音地圖創立人
Professional field recordist & photographer 




About Natural Sound Map 

A group of professional nature recordists from around the globe have collaborated to develop Nature Soundmap, an enjoyable and interactive way of exploring the natural sounds of our planet. Combining high-quality field recordings with the latest satellite imagery, the project brings together some of nature’s most beautiful, interesting and inspiring sounds.

Hear the World Like Never Before

Immerse yourself in a pulsating insect chorus in Borneo’s tropical rainforest, or climb the Himalayas and relax to the melodies of birdsong in an alpine meadow. Use Nature Soundmap to discover the wonderful soundscapes and wildlife sounds of our planet.

Many recordings in the collection are ‘binaural’ soundscapes, in other words, stereo recordings made with two microphones which capture sound in 360 degrees. This recording technique most accurately imitates the natural experience you would hear with your own two ears and provides a realistic representation of all of the sounds in a particular habitat or location. If you sit back, close your eyes and relax while listening to a well-recorded soundscape, it doesn’t take long before you feel like you’re actually there! A good pair of headphones certainly helps enhance the experience.

Individual Species
While the main focus is on whole soundscapes, we have also included selected recordings of individual species which are particularly outstanding or interesting examples of sound in the animal kingdom.





1. Nature Sound Map : http://www.naturesoundmap.com/about-the-project/ 

2. http://maleischearchipel.blogspot.com/2011/11/amazon-rainforest-is-huge-and-you-can.html

3. https://blog.gtwang.org/funny/nature-sound-map/
